Information Technology (IT) Services
About Us
IT Services provides a broad range of technical services to HCDE in support of the educational services that HCDE provides to school districts, students, parents, and the community. Our team consists of network analysts, systems engineers, storage specialists, application developers, systems analysts, and Service Desk technicians who provide technology planning, implementation, and support.
Our focus is to offer timely solutions for all of your information technology needs. To this end, we provide unparalleled tech support and assistance to HCDE, school districts, parents, and the community. Our engineers, application developers, analysts, service desk technicians, and A/V and video production analysts provide all aspects of IT services.
For a summary of all we do throughout the year, see our presentations to the HCDE Board of Trustees.
Resources available: Electronic Communications/Acceptable Use Guidelines
Latest News
Meet HCDE's Employee of the Month: Raechel Mozer
Our February honoree cooks up technology confidence
HCDE thanks 'essential workers' for going the extra mile
Staff ensured network stability, facility safety, and payroll processing in wake of Hurricane Beryl