Debt Obligations


    We are committed to being as transparent as possible, to maintaining our strong bond ratings with the investor community and public at large. Visit our Investor Relations website for more information.
    Comments (-1)
    • HCDE has a blended component unit, the Harris County Department of Education Public Facility Corporation (PFC Capital Projects Fund) for which it is financially accountable.
    • Debt service requirements of general obligation bonds are payable solely from future revenues consisting of school contracts.
    • HCDE has never defaulted on any bond principal or interest payment. Effective interest rates range from 3.50 percent to 5.75 percent.
    • There are a number of limitations and restrictions contained in the bond indenture. Management has indicated that HCDE is in compliance with all significant limitations and restrictions.
    • HCDE does not have a debt service rate. HCDE has a maximum maintenance tax rate of $0.01 and the current tax rates are available on the Tax Transparency webpage.
    • No bond elections are scheduled for the current fiscal year.
  • Bond Summary Table

    Note: HCDE has not initiated any bond elections in its history.  All bond issuances are either lease-revenue bonds guaranteed by HCDE, contracted fee for service revenues, and/or Maintenance Notes supported by maintenance and operation taxes.  Please refer to our HB 1378 Report and Annual Debt Book. HCDE Debt Obligations Link

Contact Us

  • Dr. Jesus J Amezcua, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
    6300 Irvington Blvd
    Houston, Tx 77022 

    Brenda Del Valle, Executive Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
    6300 Irvington Blvd
    Houston, Tx 77022 

    For board inquiries, please contact

    Jessica Bermea, Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees

    6300 Irvington Blvd
    Houston, Tx 77022