Research & Recent Projects
We have multiple projects and a lot of research to share. Check back often for additional information. For additional assistance, check out our Research & Evaluation Institute (R&EI) main page.
To explore our research and projects, click on the cover images below or continue scrolling down for short summaries of the documents.
A sampling of the recent projects below include an evaluation of 90 afterschool programs, an inter-organization needs assessment of the school districts in Harris County, the development and implementation of an organization’s accountability system, the study of satisfaction with a program in an educational service center, student perceptions of their schools, evaluation of a federally funded social studies program in a large school district, effectiveness of a distance learning program, parent and community leader assessment of the needs of low-income children, and effectiveness of professional development workshops.
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Guideline for Campus Implementation of Restorative Approach
This guideline was developed as a resource for school staff and other individuals to facilitate the implementation of a restorative approach to discipline with an end goal of transforming school culture. An Overview of Study Results is also available to download.
Restorative Justice? A Brief Overview
Restorative justice is an evidence-based practice used to reduce expulsions, suspensions, and disciplinary referrals. It focuses on righting a wrong committed, repairing harm done, and placing value on restoring relationships (Restorative Practices Working Group, 2014). Schools can apply restorative justice in different ways, such as talking or community circles, youth courts, peer mediation programs, or classroom meetings (Knight & Wadhwa, 2014).
Social-Emotional Development in Early Childhood
Social-emotional development in early childhood supports the growth of children’s social-emotional competence. This includes their experience, expression, management of emotions, and their ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. Social-emotional skills developed during early childhood have been shown to make significant contributions to children’s continued academic success.
Priorities in Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Teachers who participated in a resilience program for themselves and received training to teach social-emotional skills have shown to help students increase their self-management skills. This document shows the research and how to get started with HCDE Research and Evaluation Institute to plan, implement, and evaluate SEL. In addition, a newer version is available to download.
Recovery Schools: A Brief Overview of Promising Practices
The Texas Education Agency’s disciplinary data for Region 4 revealed that in 2015-2016, 4,824 students have faced disciplinary actions for controlled substance/drugs and 436 students for alcohol violations. This document provides research and recommendations for Recovery Schools and promising practices.
Contact Us
Research & Evaluation Institute
Harris County Department of Education
6300 Irvington Blvd.
Houston, TX 77022Yolanda Pyrtle
Director of the Research & Evaluation Institute