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- CASE for Kids 2023–2024 Partnership Project
Center for Afterschool, Summer and Enrichment (CASE) for Kids
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Introducing the CASE for Kids 2023–2024 Partnership Project
The Partnership Project’s goal is to provide supplemental funding for comprehensive after-school programs to promote social and emotional learning (SEL) skills, increased support of numeracy and literacy development for economically disadvantaged students between the ages of 4 and 12 or up to the age of 19 with a documented disability. In addition, supplemental funding will assist in program quality improvement and program expansion.
CASE for Kids will provide funded projects with additional support for numeracy and literacy integration and SEL into academic and enrichment activities, as well as site-based assessment and coaching to improve overall program quality.
Successful applicants will demonstrate the ability to provide comprehensive programming and utilize CASE for Kids’ funds as an additional resource to target students in need of academic assistance.
The CASE for Kids Partnership Project is the result of collaboration between HCDE, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC), the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), and awarded sites.
HCDE commits local funds to supplement comprehensive after-school programming. Both HCDE and the site-matched dollars activate a commitment of federal child care funds for quality improvement for school-age youth through TWC. This allows HCDE to provide a variety of resources to selected sites such as site visits, training, and access to curriculum and materials through a free lending library.
Request for Proposal Workshop – (Optional)
Workshop Date
Workshop Time
Workshop via ZOOM
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Meeting Link HERE
Meeting ID: 879 0337 1430
Passcode: 078711
Click here for more Information.
Frequently Asked Questions
If a campus is a middle and high school combined campus, can you serve only the students who qualify agewise (10, 11, 12 years old)?
A site can serve students between the ages of 4 and 12 or up to 19 with a documented disability, regardless of their grade level.
Can a dedicated district afterschool program coordinator attend the required CASE for Kids Learning Community meetings or Partnership Project meetings on behalf of the program liaison?
Yes, a dedicated district after-school program coordinator may attend workshops and trainings on behalf of the campus with the intent of relaying and implementing the information to the program.
Can a school apply for the Partnership Project if they are already receiving funds from a 21st CCLC grant?
Sites receiving 21st CCLC grant funds for the 2022–2023 school year are ineligible for the 2022–2023 Partnership Project grant.
Is it permissible to charge parents a co-payment for the program to supplement the grant award?
A program held by a local education agency may collect a parent co-payment while services are delivered to children. This funding would remain with the site as revenue for the program. Each site may design their own system for determining co-payment amounts and collection schedule, per district policy.
How do you determine the cost per student?
The cost per student is determined by the total budget direct cost divided by the total targeted students served.
Application Deadline
4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 2023Grant Term Period
October 1, 2023–July 31, 2024Award Announcement
Friday, May 26, 2023 on the CASE for Kids website
Need help?
Attend a Request for Pre-proposal Workshop
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
10 a.m.–11 a.m. via ZoomMeeting ID: 879 0337 1430
Passcode: 078711